

Over the pandemic of 2020 and subsequent lock down many folks craved for foods that were for a time not available. As many public services were closed to the public, fast food outlets were also closed or greatly restricted in their opening hours. This meant that many people were unable to get their favorite fast food fix. This was a problem for many people, especially those who were used to eating fast food on a regular basis.

Out of interest I watched a few YouTube videos by some that had started to make their own fast food at home. The crucial ingredient to anything with a burger is of course the fries. In the UK we call them chips but the term fries is well understood as we have so many fast food outlets that started in the States now.

I was surprised to see the person soaking chipped potatoes in sugar and glucose solution. This was the ‘secret ingredient’ he said to making authentic fast food fries. Once steeped in this sugary mixture, the fries were then fried, let to cool and then fried twice to get the desired crispness.

This may be making your mouth water at the prospect of this classic fast food. Once it did for me however I came to my current conclusion that something made of potato, a vegetable that grows beneath the ground, rich in starchy carbohydrate, soaked in sugar and double fried in oil that is the product of a lot of mechanical engineering, is not a good idea. Yet this was a staple to me and is still for millions of people around the world.

The effect this simple ‘treat’ has on your glucose levels is dramatic. Not only do you quickly spike your glucose levels but you also spike your insulin levels. This is a double whammy for your body. The insulin is there to bring your glucose levels back down to normal. This is a good thing but it also means that your body is storing the excess glucose as fat. This is not a good thing. The more fat you store the more insulin your body needs to store it. This is a vicious cycle that can lead to type 2 diabetes.

People have said to me that they could never give up chips. I have given up chips and hope to live to not regret it. Time will tell but if you are pre diabetic or diabetic, I would suggest you give up chips too. It is not worth the risk.

Good fat can be good for you and eating healthy fat will not only reduce glucose and subsequently insulin levels but will also help you to lose weight and reduce overall hunger and help control cravings for things that are bad for us.
